Friday, August 10, 2007

Gutsy testing

Gutsy (Ubuntu 7.10) has reached Tribe 4 (the 4th alpha release), so I reckon it's time to try it out on my local machine. And, I'm going to go back to the old trusty i386 version. And, after reading the feature in last month's Ubuntu newsletter about the badness of Automatix, that won't be on my list of things to install either.

Like usual, it's a fresh install using the live CD - which works out of the box.

Once the install is done, get the latests updates, add the restricted drivers for my nVidia dual head graphics card and restart. Thankfully, unlike a Windows install, that is the only restart I'll need for a while... and, I'm quite impressed at how quickly the shutodwn and restart is too.

Get the panels fixed and start the process of copying the backup files.

Add the medibuntu repro for some extra interesting stuff (like googleearth and skype), and perform a quick apt-get install to get the things I like that aren't on a default install.
echo "deb gutsy free non-free" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add - && sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install unison unison-gtk openssh-server joe easytag thunderbird googleearth skype msttcorefonts
Now, set the hostname and copy the hosts file from the backup folder. Setup keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Finally, setup unison, copy 'backup' into the .unison directory and run "unision-gtk backup"
All done!

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