Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Missing table psa.exp_event

Well, after the update of Plesk by the previous method, all was not well.
During the upgrade, dpkg failed to complete the install and eventually, after removing and the re-installing the psa debs, I was back up and running.

Well, I thought I was! Whenever I tried to do anything I'd get the following message:
MySQL query failed: Table 'psa.exp_event' doesn't exist
0: /opt/psa/admin/plib/common_func.php3:211
db_query(string 'INSERT INTO exp_event (source, event_type, event_time, obj_class, obj_id, host, user, flushed) VALUES ("plesk", "created", NOW(), "mailname", "*******@*****", "", "admin", "false")')
1: /opt/psa/admin/plib/api-rpc/loger.php:306
Log2Expand->Log2Expand(object of type ActionLog)
2: /opt/psa/admin/plib/class.ActionLog.php:534
3: /opt/psa/admin/plib/mail/MailName.php:1008
4: /opt/psa/admin/htdocs/domains/mail/mail_name_preferences.php:92
Clearly, I needed to add the table psa.exp_event.
Log into the mysql table by:
sudo -s
mysql -uadmin -p`cat /etc/psa/.psa.shadow`
Choose to use the psa table
USE psa
I found two suggestions for the table schema, but neither worked: 1, 2. Finally, I found this, and after creating the table, all was fixed:
CREATE TABLE `exp_event` (
`id` bigint(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`source` enum('pa','plesk') default NULL,
`event_type` enum('started','stopped','created','updated', 'deleted', 'status_changed', 'terminated', 'flushed', 'installed', 'uninstalled', 'siteapp_added', 'siteapp_removed', 'expired', 'exceeded') NOT NULL default 'started',
`event_time` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`obj_class` enum('license', 'service', 'ip_address', 'admin_info', 'siteapp', 'session_preferences', 'client', 'client_limits', 'client_status', 'client_prefs', 'client_perms', 'client_ip_pool', 'client_limit_traffic', 'client_limit_size', 'domain', 'domain_limits', 'domain_user', 'domain_limit_traffic', 'domain_limit_size', 'domain_status', 'phosting', 'fhosting', 'db_server', 'subdomain', 'mailname', 'webuser', 'maillist', 'dns_zone', 'mailname_antivirus', 'mailname_spamfilter', 'mailname_mailgroup', 'mailname_autoresponder', 'mailname_attachment', 'dashboard_preset', 'dashboard_preset_type', 'dashboard_preset_name') NOT NULL default 'license',
`obj_id` varchar(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',
`host` varchar(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL default '',
`user` varchar(255) character set ascii NOT NULL default '',
`flushed` enum('true','false') NOT NULL default 'false',

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